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Could O´Reilly be back in Denver anytime?

Could O´Reilly be back in Denver anytime?The mysterious story of O´Reilly´s KHL saga continues.

The Eurolanche fan club was the first media who reports the official signing of Ryan O´Reilly by the member of the Kontinental Hockey league, Metallurg Magnitogorsk. On Friday, we have received the confirmation and more detailed info. Firstly, it was a big shock for the Colorado Avalanche fans: as the restricted free agent without the contract O´Reilly has legally signed 2-year permanent contract with the Metallurg.

The staff of the Russian team official said that O´Reilly could come back to the NHL at any point of this and the following season only if some NHL team would offer him favorable terms in the contract. It means some NHL team has to outbid the Russian offer. As we know it, players are highly overpaid in the KHL, what makes the whole situation worse.

Many Avalanche fans have started to be frustrated. It did look like we lost O´Reilly forever. But the Eurolanche has received another comment from Ryan´s player agent. „He does have a two year contract.  There is an out if he signs with Colorado,“ told us his agent. It seems O´Reilly could be back anytime, when he would agree with the Avalanche offer with no matter if it will outbid the Russian offer or not.

At the first look, it is a mess. Russians told us their version, O´Reilly´s agent his. Whom we shoud believe? My opinion is that the agent is right. It has logic. O´Reilly will not be back automatically when the lockout ends. But once the new CBA is done, the Avalanche management will offer new contract to O´Reilly. If he will accept it, he is back. If not, he will stay in the KHL.

But the Russians are saying the Avalanche offer has to outbid their...

Crazy circle.

David Puchovsky, Slovakia,
07/12/2012 - 18:01


NHL on Nov 11, 2017: "Eurolanche is the world's largest Colorado Avalanche fan club."