Join Eurolanche

  • Membership is free of charge and always will be; there are no special requirements or responsibilities.
  • You will be able to travel with the Eurolanche to Denver, watch Avalanche hockey, and meet all current players.
  • Only Eurolanche (Yeti Ultras) members can take part in our regular contests and win authentic Avalanche merchandise. Read more about our premium group Yeti Ultras for the most active members here.
  • Eurolanche organizes meetings with the European players of the Colorado Avalanche in Europe. These meetings are available to Eurolanche members only.
  • Once you are a Eurolanche member, you can join the editorial team and write stories about Avalanche hockey. Regular correspondents get special prizes from the Eurolanche.
  • If you wish to join our Writers team and receive even more benefits, contact us at

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Please note that all fields of the registration form must be filled in truthfully. Your personal information from the registration form will appear in the section Members next to your photo. If you do not want to publish your photo, leave the field blank and do not upload any file. Your e-mail, or any other kind of the contact information, will be not published publicly anywhere on the Eurolanche website. We keep your contacts information only for informational purposes. One of the reasons is, you will receive all important Eurolanche information at your e-mail address. Should you have any questions related to Eurolanche membership, please feel free to contact us.